Amateur soccer still in limbo

Amateur football set for a 2021 return

The South African Football Association (Safa) has all but confirmed that there will be no more amateur football for the remainder of 2020 – leaving hundreds of clubs around the country, not just in and around Boksburg, frustrated.

When the Advertiser quizzed Windmill Park football coach Lebohang Molotsi, who manages East Rand Top Stars on the matter of the amateur game being frozen still, he said: “Honestly speaking, it’s quite challenging. The youngsters are eager to hit back into action and it’s quite frustrating for all of us.”

The club plies its football in the Vosloorus Local Football Association.

Amateur clubs, under Level 2 regulations, are only limited to training.

The latest update from Safa reads: ‘Kindly note that all amateur football leagues remain on lockdown as per the directive of the national office during Level 2 regulations, no structure (amateur) under Safa is allowed to play football until advised to do so. It is only the PSL structures that were given the go ahead by government to resume and complete their competition.

‘We urge members to advise all football structures within their respective areas of the lockdown regulations, and further note that correspondence will be circulated in time on updates and developments of the resumption of football as soon as directives are received.’

Boksburg Football Club manager Ernest Seforo echoed Molotsi’s sentiments on the matter.

“Nothing yet so far, we are still waiting for Safa and the president for any update,” responded the Blues mentor on the return of the amateur game.

“We are missing football. The boys are asking every time, ‘coach, when is training?’”

The Blues play their football in the Easterns Local Football Association (ELFA).

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