The Advertiser talks to Boksburg FC league-winning coach

The Advertiser caught up with Easterns Premier League-winning coach Garth Cooley (33), who guided the Boksburg Football Club's senior team to their first domestic triumph in 20 years.

The Blues dethroned Alberton as the 2015 Premier League champions.

The Advertiser asked:

Describe your thoughts when you were finally declared the 2015 Easterns League champions.

Amazing! This is the first time we won the league in 20 years. It’s a big achievement for the club and team.

Describe the factors that helped to win the title.

Motivation, hunger, dedication, commitment – these are all the factors which helped.

We went on a 14-game winning streak, which won us the league. There were tough times, but the 14-game winning streak is where the title was ultimately won.

Where does this rank in your finest moments list as a Boksburg coach?

It’s my best. Winning the league with the first team is my best. It’s a massive achievement for the club.

What does the league triumph mean to the club and to you as a coach?

For the club, it means everything: implementing the right structure has really worked. The league win is a stepping stone, it gives you something to build on.

With the league triumph, obviously, comes the qualification for the Super League – your thoughts on that?

It’s a whole new ball game. Winning the league wasn’t easy; it was tough. The Super League will be even tougher, because it’s professional level and some really good players play there. But the club will be ready for it.

Coaching goes way beyond enforcing tactics on the pitch, it includes player management and keeping everyone happy, enforcing discipline without offending – how did you manage to balance everything?

You earn players’ respect. You give them direction and share your vision with them, which will earn you their respect. Once you have their respect, the commitment comes with it.

How important was your relationship with your captain in the league-winning season?

When times were good, all was good with my captain and the rest of the team alike. But, when things get tough and you lose a couple of games, that’s where you need your captain, and he always delivered.

What message would you like to give to your players?

I’d like to thank each and every one of them for their time, patience and commitment. I’d like to thank each and every one of them for giving it their all and being part of history. I wouldn’t have done it without them.

What message would you like to give to the fans?

I’d like to thank each and every one of them for their support. I noticed how the crowd attendance grew as the season progressed and we also wouldn’t have achieved the success without them. They’ve been brilliant.

Cooley, who recently tied the knot, has since stepped down as the Blues’ head coach due to family commitments.

– @SabeloBoksburg

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