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Up close and personal with bodybuilder Martin Scott

Boksburg bodybuilder Martin Scott took time to catch up with the Advertiser amid his second-place finish at the recent World Beauty Fitness and Fashion (WBFF) South Africa Spectacular event at Carnival City.

The Advertiser asked:

When did you start bodybuilding, and how did it all begin?

I started bodybuilding at age 19. There was a gym down the road from my house, I was always intrigued by weightlifting as my grandfather was an ex-Mr SA. So after school I had a lot of spare time which prompted me to sign up and the bug bit instantly.

How many hours do you spend in the gym and how often do you train?

One hour on average during off-season and two hours pre-competition on average. During off-season I train six days per week and during competition, twice per day, and sometimes three, including posing practise.

Take me through the qualification process for a WBFF appearance.

Anyone can compete in the WBFF, if you feel you have the body that is worth displaying on stage against other competitors, then it is a must.

Was this year your first appearance on the WBFF stage?

I’ve competed in the federation twice now. My first was last year where I placed fourth against 30 competitors and this year was my second appearance, placing second against over 40 guys.

What are your career highlights?

Placing second in the WBFF this year is definitely up there. Being selected as a Solgar Vitamins and Minerals ambassador and also becoming the face of Fitness Model for In The Box.

What advice would you give for young aspiring bodybuilders?

Buy yourself a couple of training magazines, there are some great local magazines at our disposal like Muscle Evolution and Fitness Magazine. Read them to get good ideas. Keep your training and diet quite basic in the beginning as to not complicate your life unnecessarily. Decide how far you want to pursue your fitness career and I always recommend getting in touch with a good trainer or coach to help and push you reach your goals.

Take me through your diet.

I eat healthily and clean all year round with more calorie-dense meals during off-season and leaner, slightly low carbohydrate meals during competition season. I also include protein and fats all year – I don’t believe in dropping carbohydrates. Proper supplementation is also key and I use a Solgar Vitamins and Minerals to help me train at my best.

What would you say is the biggest challenge in the sport of bodybuilding?

The mind games you play with yourself coming up to a show – whether it be with other competitors, the food you eat, the training or just thinking things in general. The more you compete, the better you become at dealing with these things.

To end things on a lighter note, who is your role model?

I am a huge Arnold Schwarzenegger fan!

The 27-year-old Scott competed in Male Fitness Model category, his second position finish secured him a spot in the upcoming WBFF World Championships in Las Vegas next month. – @SabeloBoksbug

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