
Take heed of the Zimbabwe lesson, Mr President

Howard Skeens from Sunward Park writes:

Numerous media reports have regularly informed us how, over many years, State Owned Enterprises (SOEs) were horrendously mismanaged (and still are), how billions were wantonly wasted and all received poor audit reports for years (which were ignored by government).

Thus not different from many government departments.

We begin 2019 with the ANC having lavish celebrations (hope the Chinese paid for this and not us taxpayers). And our President hits us with an election opener – “we know the ANC made mistakes in the past but give us another mandate in May to move SA forward.”

Unfortunately there are many who believe this without question. Terrible to be blind, they cannot link the dots – Zimbabwe followed the same path and what a “flourishing” country it is today.

The President conveniently forgets to mention that he still leads the same bloated incompetent team that was the main cause of the current parlous state of the economy.

This allowed Eskom to accumulate debts of R480-billion (and growing) and the same with SAA, Transnet/Prasa, Denel and the SABC (all in a downward spiral with huge debts).

And their knee-jerk answer? Let’s access retirement funds to cover these mind-blowing debts.

We know Ramaphosa was ineffective as a deputy president. His current weak/no actions is evident considering the bloated costly cabinet, keeping proven useless ministers in charge of vital portfolios, while paying lip service to foreign investors’ requests for massive changes before investing funds are not considered a problem.

And here’s the big question, how come no one’s been charged for theft and massive fraud? The dairy farm fiasco in the Free State should be an easy case to finalise.

Too bad the majority of voters didn’t boot the ANC into touch 10 years ago. The country wouldn’t be in such a shambolic state today.

How do we know it’s a very serious situation? Many black talented professionals are immigrating in large numbers. They’re certainly not heading for Zimbabwe nor elsewhere in Africa.

Oh yes, the ANC cadres have also decided Zuma didn’t do anything wrong. They’ve put his name forward as a candidate for parliament.

If not registered to vote, do so.

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