City is a pigsty

"Anti-Litter", Atlasville, writes:

I was driving past the back entrance of Leon Ferreira Fire Station recently and the woman driving in front of me opened her window and threw a heap of rubbish out.

It was a take-out packet and all the contents went flying all over the road and pavement.

She clearly thought nobody saw her, but I did.

Good heavens! No wonder our cities and sidewalks look the way they do. Imagine if we all did this (well, many, many people do).

Litter is the scourge of Gauteng and our once beautiful Boksburg.

I hear the mayor of Joburg, Herman Mashaba, is inviting his good citizens to pick up litter every Saturday morning, to help clean the place up.

Why not rather reimpose strict by-laws and fines for littering and educate people more about the effects of littering?

It is an absolute pleasure to visit Cape Town and even places like the Blyde River Canyon because these areas are pristine and have very strict littering regulations.

Ekurhuleni is a pigsty in comparison!

The council’s own bins on the streets are hardly emptied and a complete eyesore – most are so broken they are of no use and belong in the trash too!

I wonder what Boksburgers will think of being called upon to help the mayor clean up the city by picking up litter on Saturday mornings?

Sadly, it may be the only way we can start to reclaim pride in Boksburg.

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