
Time to vote for change in the elections

Howard Skeens, Sunward Park, writes,

Welcome, 2016!

This is an important election year – a chance to get rid of the current crop of government incompetents who haven’t a clue about efficient service delivery and the smooth running of a metro.

Can I say this? Of course I can. One of the cornerstones of a democracy is freedom of speech.

What caught my eye in the Advertiser was the usual report on the Ekurhuleni Metro’s slow response, again, in fixing water leaks, and underneath this article the date for new voters to register for the upcoming municipal elections.

Probably unintended, but the implied meaning to me was hey everyone, sick and tired of no response to reporting potholes, “dead” traffic lights, water leaks, grime and everything else (that we pay for)?

Here’s your opportunity to get rid of these no-hopers! To do this, register/ensure you are registered in the ward you live in – a mere five-minute job!

This is essential. The government likes to gerrymander the ward boundaries to favour themselves.

Then we wait for voting day.

Do we really want another five long years of greedy, both hands in the coffers, allocating inflated tenders to buddies and annual increases above the inflation rate cadres?

Once the current government is removed from the corridors of power, maybe then the metro’s vision of a Smart, Creative and Developmental City can be a reality.

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