
Goodbye to all my friends at Huis Dien Bothma

Pepe Struwig, former resident of Boksburg, writes:

It was, indeed, a very sad day for me when I had to leave SAVF Huis Dien Bothma and my flat where I lived for four years.

I recently moved to Bloemfontein to open a NPO company.

Circumstances beyond my control caused me to make this decision and, because I had to leave Boksburg three weeks earlier than anticipated, I had no time to say goodbye to all the special people in the Old Age Home and also my friends in the flats.

I don’t think there will be enough space to name each and every person who filled my life with so much love and happiness, but they know who they are.

I will most definitely keep them forever in my heart and will never forget all the good times we had.

I will miss you all dearly, and sincerely hope that things will change drastically at SAVF Huis Dien Bothma and that you will be looked after properly by those people who really care about you.

I will always be there if you need me, so let us forget about the bad things that happened and only remember the good times we all had.

A special thanks to Estie and Lisa of Dr EG Jansen, Attorneys Galloway, Van Coller and Griessel, Leigh and her staff at Med-Leigh Pharmacy, Frans and his staff at the Spar, Martin Erwee of Toyota and Sandra of Central Liquors – you were all so wonderful and so was your kindness towards all the residents at SAVF Huis Dien Bothma.

Thank you for always being there when I needed your help and assistance. I am going to miss you all very much.

May God always be with you and keep you safe.

You are more than welcome to contact me at pepestruwig@telkomsa.net.

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