
Reporting a leak a waste of time

Paul Nel, from Dayan Glen, writes:

Over the past 10 weeks I have, on numerous occasions, reported the water leak on the corner of Odendaal and O’Connelly streets in Dayan Glen, with no response.

I even requested that my DA councillor act in this regard, but received a reply of lukewarm non-committal.

Eventually, on March 16, a team of seven (two workers and five spectators) attended to the leak. Water to the neighbourhood was cut off during daylight hours and, at 10pm, the water supply was restored.

I went to check the following morning and found that all that had been achieved was that a large hole had been dug and the timid stream had turned into a raging torrent.

Again, I frantically called the call centre over a number of days, requesting urgent repairs.

That Friday, now at my wits end, finally a team was again at the scene of the leak, carrying out repairs.

Although, on this occasion, the repairs were again not completed, they at least turned the torrent into a timid stream once more, having to return once more to stop the leak and to fill the hole.

After this experience with the water department and taking the treacherous conditions of our roads into consideration, I must come to the conclusion that the workers in these two departments have no respect for the honest ratepayers of Ekurhuleni.

These workers lack a sense of self-worth, they have no loyalty to the ratepayers of Ekurhuleni and do not know the meaning of the word “patriotism”.

Anybody who has the telephone numbers and email addresses of all departmental heads and the mayor, as well as that of the members of the mayoral committee, kindly email it to me at 7285635@gmail.com.

Working through the call centre and councillor is like flogging a dead horse.

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