
Good service at OR Tambo lauded

Freek Bezuidenhout writes,

These days we hear on radio and read in the paper only about the negative things that happen in our country and in the provincial hospitals.

Well that is not what we experienced at Tambo Memorial Hospital, while out elderly mother, the late JM Bezuidenhout, was there to be treated.

She suffered a stroke on November 1, last year, and was transported to Tambo Memorial by ambulance.

The paramedics were so gentle and kind, as well as professional in the way they handled our mother.

When we arrived at the hospital she was taken care of at the emergency ward and sent for a MRI scan, after which the doctors told us she had suffered a stroke.

The doctors and staff of Ward 22 were wonderful; they treated her and us with dignity.

Mother was paralysed, so she could not do anything for herself. She could not hear, talk, or swallow. She had to be tube fed and was on a drip.

We always found her clean and her nightdresses were changed daily.

She was in the hospital’s care for nine weeks, before passing away on January 3.

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