
Playing of sport for kids in jeopardy

Dorcus Modiba from Dawn Park writes:

We are concerned residents of Dawn Park area.

We are becoming more worried about our children’s health and well-being as Ekurhuleni metro continues to make ridiculous decisions without considering the development of our youth.

Most of the boys in Dawn Park, if not all between the age of seven and 18, on a daily basis play soccer at the sport field, which we as parents see as a good development base for them to become skilled sports men and to become active and responsible citizens of the country.

Dawn Park sports field is situated adjacent to the Rondebult cemetery.

Recently we have noticed that the sports field has been fenced off.

We were excited as parents and residents that our children are being provided with a more secured sporting area, only to discover at a later stage that our kids have been given a notice that the cemetery will be extended to the sportsgrounds.

This is ridiculous, how can anyone in their right state-of-mind take away a sports field to make way for a cemetery.

We respect our dead people, but they are dead.

I do not see any wisdom in taking away something that brings health and wellness to our youth and give way for the dead.

We also have a recreational park in this area which is situated adjacent to the newly-constructed mall.

That park was supposed to be maintained and installed with new play equipment, and be secured for our little ones to play, interact and have fun with.

The park is now a haven for adults who park their cars there during the day. Our children are scared to even play there, because it is not safe for them.

We also foresee that with the new mall coming up, the park may also be taken away from our kids, and be used for other things like a taxi rank.

At the end of the day, where are our children supposed to play; to improve their communication skills; stimulate their fine and gross motor coordination, and improve their health and wellness?

We have visited areas like Spruitview, Roodekop and Mayibuye in Tembisa, and have seen such facilities been provided, maintained and secured for kids.

We have also seen how kids even depressed, become so alive.

We, the residents of Dawn Park, do not get any joy out of this government that calls itself a caring government.

How do you call yourself caring if you cannot care for the kids who are our future?

If anyone visit the areas that used to be more white dominant in the nearby suburbs, one would notice that the kids in those areas are provided with all sorts of sporting facilities to stimulate their development, but here the little we have is taken away from our children.

When all is taken away from our kids, they will just become frustrated kids and end up using drugs. This is what we do not want for our kids; we want them to be worthy citizens of this country.

Our kids do not even have a library where they can go to when all else is taken away from them.

We are busy pretending to celebrate the legacy of Tata Madiba, while they have forgotten completely that his vision was to see children of this country developed and educated.

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