Bring back the death penalty

A Reiger Park resident wrote the following letter:

In light of the horrific death of Taegrin Morris who was dragged head down of his family’s moving hijacked vehicle from Reiger Park to Boksburg on Saturday July, 19, the question needs to be asked, is it not time to bring back the death penalty?

How many more gruesome crimes must be committed? How many more innocent lives must be taken?

We cannot turn a blind eye to such appalling things happening to the people around us. To those we love and care about.

It could very well have been me or you in that painful situation. We are not safe!

Our children are our future, yet their future is so meaningless in the hands of these hijackers, kidnappers, rapists and murderers!

No one in their right mind can be so cruel, so heartless, so cold to kill a defenseless human, let alone a child that had his whole life ahead of him.

Are the police doing enough? It seems that as a community torn apart from gangsterism, we now have to stand together and take the law into our own hands!

We are furious! We are livid!

Reiger Park is only known for its killings amongst the gangsters; well I believe it’s time we are known as a community standing in one mission and one voice.

We want these hijackers brought to light. We want them to feel the pain that little boy felt. We want to stone them so badly, but we know it’s not the right thing to do.

Nothing we do or the justice system will ever be enough. They will be caught and sentenced and in a few years will walk the streets again, or the docket miraculously disappears, claiming to be changed, to be saved, and the community just have to accept them.

We say enough is enough! Bring back the death penalty, and very soon.

These killers are turning good people into something we could never even imagine. Of course every parent would want revenge for this hideous crime.

An example should be made with one of them, tie them to a car and drag them along until their skin starts to peel, let them experience that excruciating pain, let them beg for mercy!

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