What service delivery?

Howard Skeens from Sunward Park writes:

The Ekurhuleni Metro is regularly informing us about how good they are in supplying us with high quality water. Lately we’ve had the good fortune to experience the metro’s drive to save this precious resource.

This is a great advertising ploy and obviously makes the senior executives in the metro all warm and fuzzy. However, the saving of water is actually not high on various metro departments’ radar screens.

Here’s the critical coup de gras: my wife and others reported a major water leak near Sunward Park Hospital two weeks ago. On enquiry the metro say they can’t fix it until the Parks Department removes the tree.

One wonders why the departments don’t communicate, work together and fix the leak as a matter of urgency?

Millions of litres of high quality water have been flowing into the storm water system for 24 hours, seven days a week and even longer.

Can we accuse the Water Department of gross dereliction of duty for not making this an above high priority? Of course we can! It’s other people’s money being thrown away, not to mention the waste of this scarce resource.

Oh yes, the flowing water has created a massive pothole in the road – more unnecessary cost!

What can we say about service delivery? It’s the same team who haven’t yet managed to remove all their party’s posters from the poles on certain streets. That’s speed for you!

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