Mental health awareness: Tell us what’s on your mind

With July being Mental Illness Month, the Boksburg Advertiser asked a few locals what they think can be done to break the stigma that prevents people from seeking help.

Henry Mwapesah: People should talk about their issues rather than bottling things up. It will also help if the government can hand out pamphlets to educate people about mental health.

Amber du Plessis: There should be a platform for people to talk where they feel comfortable. People must also be educated about mental health.

Thabo Sediadia: People should be more confident in seeking help with regards to mental health if they need it.

Israel Makase: People should be more understanding towards one another as most people are not taken seriously when it comes to mental health.

Dean Beukes: People should be more educated about mental health. They must also look after themselves by exercising.

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