Letter: Change has come to the CBD

Send your thoughts in a Letter to the Editor to boksburgadvertiser@caxton.co.za.

Shaun Carter writes:

As a concerned resident of Boksburg CBD, I need to compliment our councillor for Ward 32, Marius de Vos.

He has almost single-handedly brought together individuals and business owners within the CBD to assist him in restoring the inner city to its former glory and things are starting to happen.

There are now constant SAPS and metro police patrols on foot and throughout the CBD and surrounding areas.

Businesses are assisting by keeping their business areas clean.

The metro is also closing down illegal businesses that threaten the stability of the CBD.

The year has started on a great note. Great work De Vos, from a grateful community.

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Also Read: WATCH: Councillor lashes out at solid waste department, denounces illegal dumping


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