OPINION: Is the 2020 academic year still salvageable?

The Advertiser asked a few locals if they think the 2020 academic year can still be salvaged, and what will the alternative be.

Lawrence Dube: “It is going to take blood, sweat and tears, but I believe we can still save the academic year. Learners have also been receiving work online.”

Fifi Motsoko: “It’s difficult to say. They can maybe save the academic year in urban areas, but not rural areas. It’s nearly impossible to work if you don’t have Wi-Fi or a laptop.”

Martina Werner: “I think they’ll manage to save the 2020 academic year. Most of the children have been working online and should be able to remember the work for the exams.”

Daleen Horvath: “This academic year can’t be saved. There’s still a lot of work that needs to be done before the end of the year.”

Floors Fritz: “I doubt they’ll be able to salvage the 2020 academic year. There is not enough time left. They should put learners through to the next grade.”

Also Read: Covid-19 hits Freeway Park Primary School

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