A country with a rotten moral foundation

Walk the Line - a weekly editorial perspective on all things newsworthy

Shock. Disbelief. Outrage.

I am not talking about the emotions displayed by many following the Serena Williams’ tantrum at the US Open, which has again raised questions regarding gender equality.

By the way, in my opinion, the entire debacle has been blown way out of proportion. Reality is that tennis has its set of rules – you either submit to them or not.

So let us leave it at that and discuss how South Africa is being clobbered by the criminals and now enjoy two sets to love advantage against the country, progressing swiftly in the third set without an answer offered to curb the relentless wave of violence, lawlessness and anarchy.

The recent crime stats were released and our Police Minister had to hang his head in shame that South Africa’s murder rate has increased by 6.9 per cent.

In real numbers, this means 1 320 more people have been murdered in South Africa in the past year.

The number for the previous financial year was 19 016. This number has increased to 20 336. That means, on average, 57 people are killed in SA every day.

You do not need to read a Stephen King novel or watch a scary movie to get your dose of horror reality. Just read the latest crime stats and you will be left mortified and terrified.

Whichever way you wish to spin it, we live in a violent and bloody country, where corruption is rife and where women and children are innocent targets.

Apart from the murders, it is absolutely shocking that more than 40 000 cases of rape were reported. If that does not give us sleepless nights than nothing will (except maybe the state of Springbok rugby).

Also, consider nationally 228 000 cases of burglary at residential premises were reported and more than 16 000 carjackings.

Our country by all accounts is also apparently under a haze of marijuana smoke, as more than 323 000 cases of drug-related crimes were reported. So if we talk about state capture, what about how this country has been captured by drug lords.

Talking about drug-related crimes, in Boksburg, we sit with more than 1 600 reported such crimes. There is clearly a huge problem.

Remember, an addiction could and does many times lead to other crimes, such as theft to keep feeding the habit. So if we sit with such a serious drug problem in the city and nationally, you have to wonder how this is connected with the high theft figures.

It was also interesting to note in Boksburg North precinct only nine murders were recorded (is it, therefore, safer to live in these areas?), while in the other precinct falling within the city borders it was up to the mid-forties.

If you take into consideration all the other stats of our local stations regarding theft, assault, robberies and so on, then clearly Boksburg is also under siege, just like criminals are holding this country ransom.

A culture of theft and violence is thus prevalent and rampant, and while the police say they have dropped the ball, I would argue every role player has dropped the ball.

After all, the SAPS only play a reactionary role, not a preventative one. Prevention starts at the home and in the schools where children need to be raised and educated with the right morals and sense of what is right and wrong.

Religious organisations must continue to set the standard of moral and just living, enforcing the need to honour the sanctity of life.

The government, on the other hand, must start setting a moral example. Stop blowing taxpayers’ money and get the economy moving to address unemployment and the frustration on the streets.

The Minister of Police should therefore not be the only one to hang his head in shame. He is not responsible for the immoral behaviour of our people who rape women and children.

This country’s moral foundation is rotten, and these crime stats will never change as long as our citizens continue to act more like animals than humans.


Oh the fun we will have with horses 

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