Oh the fun we will have with horses

Walk the Line - your local editor's perspective on all things newsworthy

We are heading for frightening times. So far, things have been scary, but the days of terror is upon us.

I’m not talking about the constant violence and murder, but the murder of our cash flow which is a result of our economy suffering a torturous spell of doom and gloom.

And yes, our economy is bleeding as it has been murdered by the previous government, with the reality of the plundering becoming more evident in the commission of inquiry’s probe into state capture.

Let us just face it. Millions upon millions have been taken with no regard for the citizens of the country. Corruption on the highest level has left a legacy of a shattered and bruised economy and we are all suffering.

So brace yourself, the fuel prices are about to skyrocket to heights we feared and dare not imagine. We are soon to live the famous line from the Star Trek franchise which speaks about going boldly where no man has gone before.

Yes, we are all forced to go soon where we don’t want to go, and we will have to go boldly. This will not be space adventure, but a trip of grinding your teeth, knuckling down, and bearing the mother of all financial storms.

We are talking about another fuel hike in October of nearly R1 as the Rand gets hammered to a pulp and the country has gone into a technical recession. Don’t forget SA is still battling junk status.

While there is a lot of news happening around us, the economy is affecting us all across the country, and right here in Boksburg. It is hitting businesses hard, and the poor are getting poorer and somehow those with money keep on thriving.

The middle class, of course, bears the brunt of a failing economy, and so the government forgets it is the middle class that really is the lifeblood of a country.

By now they have realised the VAT increase along with personal tax and the constant hike in fuel levies have crippled the middle class, and therefore the economy.

In light of the chaos, maybe we need to return to the good old days of getting a horse, thus to go boldly where no man wants to go anymore.

I last rode a horse about two years ago, and yes, it was not as comfortable as sitting in a car, but I’m sure we will get used to it again. Civilisation used this mode of transport for a very long time and we as a people are quite adaptable.

So think about it. No more worries about the fuel hike. Just make sure there is enough grass.

No more worries about toll roads. Off-road will be no problem for your horse (and your horse does not need to come with 4×4 drive).

No more worries about leaking oil, engines overheating, clutch breaking, or wear and tear on your tyres. Just make sure the saddle and the hooves are fine.

No more worries about renewing your driver’s license every five years. I’m sure the horse is skilled enough to walk on its own.

No more carnage on the roads because of drunk driving or speeding. If you are drunk, you will only fall off the horse, no injuries to anyone else. If you want to race, then I’m sure the horses will avoid collision.

No more road rage. I’m sure the horses will not deliberately brake, or pull in front of your horse or try to push you off the track.

No more worries about the dangers of using your cellphone or enjoying something to snack. You can do this comfortably on the back of a horse (once you are skilled enough to balance yourself).

Imagine such a life again? No more expensive car services and no more keeping up with the Joneses.

Can you also imagine the impact on crime? Horses will become freely available, easily accessible, mostly all the same, so why then the need for hijackings or to steal?

To trade in your horse will be easy, and you just need a hitching pole at home, certainly not a garage (unless you want to be fancy with stables).

Teaching your children to ride a horse will be far more fun and far safer than teaching them to drive a car.

And lastly, imagine how we will save the environment without all the carbon dioxide emissions pumping into the atmosphere.

Sure, your holidays will need to be structured differently, because the travel to your destination will actually become your holiday since it will take you weeks to get there. But hey, it will offer some quality family time!

The chances of us ever returning to such days are probably as slim as the Springboks beating the All Blacks this year, but the reality is that the need for fuel has enslaved us all, and we have become far too reliant on this black stuff for our survival.

Maybe this world does need a drastic change in thinking and mode of living.


Tipping point on all fronts – disaster seems to loom

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