
Focus on positive possibilities and make the right choices

Chamber news column - business words of encouragement from the CEO of the Aerotropolis Chamber of Commerce

Whatever you focus on tends to happen.

So focusing on negative outcomes and consequences will surely result in whatever negative thing you are focusing on becoming a reality.

Bryan Thayer, the author of The One Minute Networker (published by CallOut Publishing), makes it clear that seeing what you seek and speaking about it every day, increases your chances of success.

Therefore, imagine it so clearly that you see yourself with it and enjoying it. Commit yourself to it, that is how you live in abundance.

When experiencing a tough time, ask yourself why its happening, is it really about the circumstances in front of you or is it something else that your mind is trying to connect with that is causing fear, pulling you back to scarcity?

You see, fear is created by the human mind naturally seeking the familiar and avoiding the unknown. Faced with a decision about the future, our minds go back to earlier experiences to find a reference point, unfortunately, sometimes that reference point is a negative experience.

So instead of seeing the possibilities of living with abundance, we only see mistakes we don’t want to repeat, living in scarcity.

Fear also creates procrastination, we divert our attention to less important things, some of us are more interested in potential than in reality. If your past includes bad experiences, dwelling on them just replays the fear movie over and over in your mind.

I recently attended the opening of a drug rehabilitation centre in Honeydew. I was struck by the words the founder of the centre used, he said they don’t use the word ‘blame’.

This is because they don’t look to blame others for what has happened in there lives. They, therefore, start over and build a better life, because blame is spelled B-lame.

By blaming others for your circumstance or where you find yourself in life is you being lame. Looking at the people in the rehabilitation centre, you don’t know what has happened in their lives, what you do know is that they have gone through a very traumatic period and many have looked at the option of taking their own lives.

I don’t believe I am qualified to know or even speak on what these people have gone through or going through, what I can say is that I commend them for making the choice to make it better.

We are all blessed with the opportunity of choice, to do or not to do which often is the difference. So many authors who write on the topic of self-improvement will write about the need to take control of your life, take 100 per cent responsibility for what has happened and will happen in your life.

For more information on the Aerotropolis Chamber of Commerce contact Derek Fox on or on 082 886 0651.

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