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A plea for non-nonsense patriotism

"Popularity should be no scale for the election of politicians. If it would depend on popularity, Donald Duck and The Muppets would take seats in senate" - Orson Welles.

When it comes to the strange nature of politics, Welles’ words also reminds me of Will Rogers who said: “Everything is changing. People are taking their comedians seriously and the politicians as a joke.”

Wells and Rogers sum politics up beautifully – this is not a game of popularity and neither is it a joke. People’s lives depend on it.

Yet politicians often become a joke because they fail to act on what is necessary for the good of the country, because it is often about personal agendas and popularity.

So why are we talking politics? Because, more than ever, the race is hotting up for the one who will eventually succeed President Jacob Zuma.

And make no mistake, this is of vital and critical importance. This will determine the future welfare of our country, our cities and our families.

At the moment there are five candidates, of whom some might be used as decoys, but whatever the case, all that South Africans really crave is a leader who will put South Africa first and party politics and self-interest second.

After all, this is not what our president stands for, as he himself has declared his loyalty towards the party above SA. Any wonder why we all, as citizens of the Republic and of Boksburg, are bleeding to survive?

And apart from putting SA first, how about a leader who will do what he says he will do, instead of just spewing a lot of political ramble and empty promises that means nothing.

Excuse me for saying the following, and I know many will frown upon this, but have I not described a leader like Donald Trump?

OK, before throwing stones at me and cursing my very existence, granted some of his actions have so far really been controversial and, for some, downright insane, bordering on dictatorship.

But before we are overcome by our hate and bitterness, consider, here is a man who clearly from the start said it will be America first. What did the people expect was going to happen?

Consider that in just his first 10 days on the job, President Trump has already signed two proclamations, seven executive orders and seven presidential memoranda. He’s even invented a new form of presidential directive – the national security presidential memorandum – and signed three of those.

So far he has signed more executive orders than any other US president! And yes, he even defies the protests coming out of the Republican camp.

So yes, for this leader it is about the nation and its people above even party politics.

By the way, if you wondered, executive orders are used by presidents to put legally binding demands on a range of subjects, from changing domestic policy to going to war.

Trump’s most controversial order has been his promise to keep “radical Islamic terrorists” out of the country, largely through a temporary ban on entry from seven countries for 90 days.

Am I fan of Trump, you may wonder. I would rather say I am a fan of the type of leader he represents – fearless, patriotic and true to his word.

Sure, he has upset a lot of people, probably most of the world, including the entire Mexico, but here is a man who throughout his campaign promised to build a wall and to make America great and to fight the war on terrorism. And guess what? People voted for him.

Now he is being stoned for doing exactly what he promised. Sure, more diplomatic flair might help his hell-bent course, but he has already delivered upon what he promised.

This is not like most leaders and politicians who hide behind a myriad of excuses and who take years to implement anything concrete or substantial while the country’s people sink deeper into the mud of despair and lawlessness.

All I am saying is, this is the kind of leader we need and deserve – someone who is a no-nonsense patriot and who wishes to see the country – yes this beloved country – become great again.

For if SA becomes great, then this city and all its citizens will become great.

Aren’t we all just tired of the same old political bantering and promises that lead not to a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow but merely a pot of sewage?

And I don’t really care what slogans are tossed about to win campaign. All that I desire is that we get a leader who will deliver on what he promised and who acts upon it before we all lapse into a state of pessimistic boredom.

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