
Locals wish matrics luck for exams

Matrics started on October 31 to write their examinations.

Locals wish our matrics good luck for their final exams and offer some tips.

Keke Liphondo: Study to learn and don’t cram information in. I know some matrics are discouraged about passing because they come from poor backgrounds and they know their parents won’t have money for university, but they must remain hopeful and pass matric.
Nico Coetzee: I will keep the matrics in my prayers. Ensure you concentrate and read the instructions thoroughly before answering questions. Study hard and follow the load-shedding schedule so you can plan.
Jukes Seola: The matrics are our future leaders, doctors, teachers, business owners and nurses. They can only pass their exams if they are determined to study. Obtaining a matric certificate can change and improve their lives.
Kiera Campbell: Don’t overthink things during this crucial time, rather clear your mind and ensure you go into the exams with a positive attitude. Also, be sure to study well in advance and not the day before.
Peter Deneke: Use your studying skills to pass. I know not all of you will be accepted at tertiary institutions, but don’t lose hope. There are opportunities out there. Those that aren’t accepted at tertiary institutions should start their own businesses.

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