GALLERY: Music lovers enjoy marimba and steelpan festival

The event was a celebration of music, talent, and cultural diversity.

Music lovers flocked to St Dominic’s Catholic School for Girls on July 27 and 28 for Education Africa’s highly anticipated annual International Marimba and Steelpan Festival.

The festival provided a dynamic platform for young musicians to share their skills, learn from experienced mentors and explore the rhythms of marimba and steelpan music.

In addition to the numerous categories of competitions, the festival featured many activities, including performances by professional musicians and over 90 workshops in various disciplines, including gumboot dancing, marimba and steelpan playing, djembe drumming and mbira playing.

Also Read: St Dominic’s to host marimba and steelpan festival

Also Read: International Marimba and Steelpan Festival grows exponentially in 2021


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