Kiddies learn vital first aid skills

Learners were taught basic first aid skills such as CPR and the heimlich meneuver

Boksburg 911 organised a special visit to B’s Academy Homework Centre in Ravenswood to teach the little ones basic first aid skills.

The visit was supported by Mibern Medi-Call, Fidelity SecureFire and Rescue Support Services.

Taking time out of their busy schedule, first responders taught the learners skills including CPR, the Heimlich manoeuvre and how to treat cut wounds.

Firefighters also spoke to the 25 Grade R to Grade Six learners about fire safety.

Simone Swartz (12) and Sion du Plessis inside the ambulance.

Apart from learning important lessons, the children had the opportunity to get into an ambulance and learn more about a fire engine.

Tish du Plessis, spokesperson of Boksburg 911, said they also showed the learners what to do in an emergency situation, like when someone is choking.

“We want them to be more prepared when a friend or family member needs assistance in a crisis,” she said.

One of the learners, Sion du Plessis (9), said the most interesting part of the visit was seeing the ambulance arriving.

Sion du Plessis and Simone Swartz with a firefighter, Marvin Mukwevho.

“I enjoyed hearing the sirens and seeing lights,” he said, adding he was glad they were shown how to do CPR.

“I feel more prepared to handle an emergency situation.”

Bianca Swartz, owner of B’s Academy, thanked the stakeholders for the educational visit.

“We appreciate their time and effort to teach the learners skills.”

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