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Support Round Table’s charity initiatives

For over 70 years, the local club has staged several community outreach projects to assist those in need.

Round Table Boksburg 17 is urging the community to support its upcoming projects.

The organisation will be holding a R1 project at El Ridge Corner on July 6.

Darren Fox, the table’s spokesperson, said the initiative is in support of the Winter Knights Project where Tablers collect blankets, clothing and non-perishable food for the needy.

“We set up at the shopping centre, approach shoppers and give them R1 as a contribution to a can of food or blanket that they then buy and donate to us,” said Fox.

Chicken parade
Furthermore, the Table is planning a chicken parade on July 8, where they will be cleaning next to the Bokkie Park on Southvale Road.

“A chicken parade is when we go to a dirty area and clean up as much litter as we can,” said Fox

Fox encouraged community members to roll up their sleeves and volunteer in support of the clean-up.

The times of the initiatives are still to be determined.

The Boksburg Table meets every second Tuesday of the month.

For more information, contact Fox on 082 444 8689.

Also Read: Get involved with Round Table this year

Also Read: Round Table calls for new recruits


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