RPVEC links GBV and substance abuse

GBV is unacceptable in all its forms.

The Reiger Park Victim Empowerment Centre (RPVEC) believes the greatest perpetrator of GBV in Reiger Park is substance abuse.

According to the social auxiliary worker of the RPVEC, Clementine Mthembu, 70% of the cases they deal with are caused by substance abuse.

“It’s not easy to tell if the cases of GBV are increasing or decreasing in Reiger Park. There are months when cases are low and months when they are high.

The RPSVEC employees: Tselana Maweng, victim supporter, and Clementine Mthembu, social auxiliary worker.

“During the 16 Days of Activism for No Violence Against Women and Children, which starts on November 25, we will roll out awareness campaigns in partnership with other stakeholders,” Mthembu explained.

These campaigns actually happen year-round.

“We are not only starting now because it’s the 16 days of Activism. GBV is divided into four categories: emotional, physical, sexual and financial abuse.

“Emotional abuse is when someone says inappropriate words to someone that might negatively affect them. The person affects the psychological state and feelings of another,” she clarified.

She said physical abuse is when a person causes bodily harm to another.

“Hitting a person is a form of physical abuse. Sexual abuse is when you sexually harass another person. Touching a person’s body without their permission is sexual abuse. Raping another person is another form of sexual abuse.

“Financial abuse is depriving your spouse or partner of money. Not buying food at home to punish your spouse or partner is a form of financial abuse,” Mthembu stated.

Mthembu advises any person experiencing abuse to source help from the RPVEC.

“Even those who have experienced trauma must come and get counselling. Most of the GBV victims get the help they need from the RPSVEC.

“We offer good services to them,” she said.

She said their centre operates for 24 hours, 365 days a year.

“The centre comprises a co-ordinator, social worker, social auxiliary worker and victim supporters,” Mthembu concluded.

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