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Join foundation’s birthday fundraiser

The Humanity Foundation is committed to making a difference in the community when there is a need.

The Humanity Foundation will celebrate its first birthday with a fundraiser at Alaska Spur in the Atlas Mall on November 30.

From 17:00, community members wishing to assist the foundation can ask for a sticker to indicate they are there to support them. A percentage of the proceeds will go to the foundation.

According to Pierre Marneweck, one of the foundation’s founding members, they started with six members, all united by a passion to serve communities in need.

“We set out to become a sustainable community solutions service organisation, supporting other NPOs to do what they do best. We see ourselves as a network partner and bring people together. This is based on the holistic wellness of any individual or groups of individuals in need,” said Marneweck.

An example of the foundation making a difference is their involvement in the Plantation community after the devastating blast on December 24 last year.

“It started as supporting those affected and the emergency services by taking on the role of drop off and delivery point for items in need, but we remained involved with the community and the hospital, made friends and formed lasting relationships with Tambo Memorial, Urban Ruins and the Benoni Ladies Forum.

“Even though we had to abandon a possible project dedicated to the hospital for reasons beyond our control, we remained involved. We assisted with the hospital memorial service, a kids’ toy donation in the paediatrics ward and attended Nelson Mandela Day celebrations with Tambo Memorial,” Marveck pointed out.

Since then, the foundation’s operating model evolved into what it envisaged because it formed strong relationships with its adopted NPOs Canaan Organisation and Kuselo Child and Youth Care Services, the Mathew 25 Project and Ikhaya da Luz.

“Our aim with the aforementioned is to help them by providing what we can when we can so that they can focus on the areas they specialise in. We have celebrated birthdays and special occasions with all of the above and have been fortunate to make several donations of clothing, food, birthday parties, and toys throughout the past year,” added Marneweck.

In addition, Marneweck said the foundation takes a strong advocacy position against GBV and has worked with local CPFs and communities to support various organisations that specialise in this field.

“None of this would have been possible without the support of wonderful, giving, and caring people in Boksburg and Benoni. “We have remained a small member-based organisation but have created a facility where individuals can become friends of humanity, giving any individual an opportunity to become involved in projects that speak to them without any sense of obligation.

”The Humanity Foundation believes in teaching a man to fish and managed to put individuals through various courses that assisted them with securing jobs and even self-sustained living. We plan to expand our relationships with drug and alcohol rehabilitation centres, animal services and community training providers like The Elevation Hub, which we have also been fortunate to assist in our first year of service.”

The foundation has a partnership with Towers Pick n Pay, Alaska Spur, Woodlands International and Ashton International colleges, Mamba Strike Force, Atlas Mall, Atlas Mall SUPERSPAR, Mazda East Rand and Eastvaal Ford Emalahleni, to name a few.

For more information, call Marneweck on 082 610 7593.

Also Read: Foundation’s toy drive a success

Also Read: Foundation needs hands to help refurnish hospital ward


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