Foundation’s toy drive a success

The foundation aims to partner with other NPO's in the future.

The Humanity Foundation held a successful toy collection drive at the Atlas Mall on October 7.

Tania Marneweck, a foundation member, said they would donate the toys to gender-based violence centres and foster homes.

Benoni High Pipe Band members

“This is our first toy drive since we established the foundation last year in November. The toy drive went well, and we collected a lot of toys.

“The community of Boksburg supported the drive and we are planning to host another one in the future because we are doing all this for a good cause,” she explained.

She mentioned they have hosted several charity drives this year.

Woodlands High School marimba band members.

“We have also assisted the families of those who died in the gas tanker explosion last year on Christmas Eve.

“We are also going to host birthdays for the NPOs we are working with, which are Khaya Da Luz and Canaan,” Marneweck added.

She said they planned to partner with more NPOs and help them with their charity drives.
“I thank the communities of Boksburg and Benoni because they have been helpful to us,” she expressed.

Leanne Kindon, who donated a bunch of toys to The Humanity Foundation, said she was donating it to help all the underprivileged children.

“I want to use this opportunity to show my children the importance of helping the less fortunate.

“I also support the good work the foundation has been doing,” Kindon mentioned.

The Woodlands High School Marimbas and Benoni High Pipe Band graced the toy drive with their talents.
Any good Samaritan who wants to donate to The Humanity Foundation may contact Pierre Marneweck on 082 610 7593.

Also Read: Foundation needs hands to help refurnish hospital ward

Also Read: Put a smile on child’s face


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