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Victim of ‘police brutality’ tells of traumatic ordeal

The officers are accused of assaulting and torturing Clifford Iroka.

The Nigerian man, Clifford Iroka, who was allegedly assaulted by Boksburg North police officers on January 9, described the incident as traumatic.

The 44-year-old Primrose resident was at the Boksburg Magistrate’s Court on September 5, where Constables Sakhile Mathaba, Mlondolozi Khalipha and Nkateko Hlogwane and Sergeant Sibusiso Shabangu appeared.

Even though they were not in police uniform when they appeared in court on Tuesday, the officers were all dressed in blue. Their case was postponed till September 11 for disclosure of the charge sheet.

The officers, who were arrested at work on February 1 by the Independent Police Investigative Directorate (IPID), face charges of attempted murder, kidnapping and defeating the end of justice.

They were granted bail of R5 000 each on February 10. Boksburg North SAPS station commander Colonel Mack Mngomezulu confirmed the officers are all back on their posts.
Iroka spoke to the Boksburg Advertiser outside the court.

The Nigerian man said he was at a salon in Boksburg North with a friend when he was approached by the police from behind.
“I actually thought it was my friend, but realised it was the police when I heard ‘hands up’. We were watching a video while we were waiting in line at the salon.

“When I was asked to put my hands up I didn’t switch off the video and an officer questioned it. I didn’t turn off the video because of the command I was given.”
Clifford added that he was searched and afterwards asked for his paperwork to prove he was legally in the country. He alleged that he had a hard and soft copy of the documentation.

He alleged he was put in the police van and taken to the Boksburg North Police Station.
“From there I was taken to something like a shack at the back of the station. The officers kicked and punched me. One of them also had scissors and cut my pants at the top where the string was.

“They focused on my ribs. I’m still battling with pain today and go back to the hospital next month.”
Iroka said he thought he was dying and eventually ended up at Tambo Memorial Hospital, where he was in a coma for nine days.

He spent a total of 16 days at the hospital.

Also Read: Boksburg North police officers granted R5 000 bail

Also Read Boksburg North police officers back in court next month


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