Little fighter now excels in sport and academics

Chereez has been cancer free since 2019.

The little fighter, Chereez Nel from Boksburg, continues to beat the odds as she excels in gymnastics and academics.

This is despite her cancer journey.

Chereez was diagnosed with undifferentiated soft sarcoma stage three cancer early in 2018, but she didn’t give up in her fight to be healthy. She entered 2019 cancer free.

To ensure she remains healthy, Chereez also underwent maintenance chemotherapy for five months.

The little fighter’s mother, Angelique, said she is delighted to say that Chereez is still healthy at this stage.

“Chereez’s port was recently removed, but there are still side effects such as with her hearing. Luckily she had a successful bone bridge implant.”

“Her hair is also growing, and we haven’t had it cut since the treatment.”

Angelique said Chereez is attending Laerskool Concordia and is thriving.

“She started competing in gymnastic competitions this year and has achieved gold and silver in all acrobatic and tumbling competitions. We were sceptical at first, but she is really enjoying it and doing well,” she added.

Chereez is part of the Wild Flames Concordia Gymnastics Club.

Apart from gymnastics, Chereez also plays netball and is academically a top achiever at the school.

“We just don’t want to push her too hard. She mustn’t be overwhelmed.”

Angelique pointed out Chereez is closely monitored by doctors.

“Chereez might be cancer free, however, we will always fear that the cancer might return. At least we’ve learned to be more calm, but we are still concerned when she complains about a headache, for example. You immediately wonder if it isn’t something serious,” she added.

Angelique and Chereez’s father, Pieter, expressed their gratitude towards everybody who supported them throughout the journey.

Visit Chereez’s Facebook page, Little Fighter Chereez Nel, to keep updated on the newest happenings in her life.

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Also Read: Chereez Nel still cancer-free after three years 


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