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Feeding scheme continues to help those in need

The feeding scheme is urgently in need of volunteers.

For 29 years the Lona Kruger Feeding Scheme has been making a difference in the lives of children in Boksburg.
Hester Vosloo, from the feeding scheme, explained it was spontaneously founded in 1994 when a number of volunteer workers heard about the dire needs of learners of a Boksburg primary school.

The feeding scheme’s main aim is to supply nutritious meals to the learners on a daily basis, and are currently supplying meals to about 100 children.

“Quite often it’s the learners’ only meal for the entire day. Unfortunately, we cannot accommodate more learners. We are not a registered NPO and are entirely dependent on donations to keep the scheme viable,” said Vosloo.

A blow for feeding scheme was when they lost four regular donors since Covid-19 and Boksburg Lake Rotary, which closed down recently.

“We would like to thank Boksburg Lake Rotary for being part of the feeding scheme for such a long time.”

Vosloo highlighted they are in need of volunteers who prepare the meals at home.

“Some of the ladies who have been part of the scheme since the founding of it have left us as they are over 70. They normally prepare food once a month as they rotate. We do need younger ladies who have the love and passion for this type of service to become involved,” said Vosloo.

One of their latest projects was when they donated Easter eggs, which came from a donor who wished to remain anonymous, to learners enrolled in the feeding scheme.

The feeding scheme also runs a clothing bank with good second-hand clothes that are donated to them. They distribute the clothes to the families that need it.

At the end of the year, each family receives a grocery parcel directly delivered to them.

“We normally start with this project at the beginning of July. We are constantly looking in newspapers for specials. We then purchase it throughout the next months to make up the parcels.

“You only become aware of the poverty and devastating circumstances that some of these families live in when you do a house call. Often tears run over the faces of the ladies that deliver the parcels. Hence, we know we can’t stop this project. We can bring some relief, but we cannot change the world.”

The feeding scheme is in need of donations such as non-perishable foods, minced meat and chicken and anything that can help them to prepare the meals.

Anybody interested in supporting the feeding scheme may call Hester Vosloo on 011 894 4040 or 073 219 1394.

Also Read: Outreach ministry needs support for its feeding scheme

Also Read: Support Die Aartappels feeding scheme


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