Community commemorates Youth Day

The Youth Day events were well supported by the community.

Organisations and individuals celebrated National Youth Day on June 16 at various events in Boksburg.
Here are some of the events that happened in Boksburg:

Local NPO and Pick n Pay Towers join hands to help the needy
The Humanity Foundation and Pick n Pay Towers organised a drive to collect non-perishable foods, toiletries, nappies and sanitary towels.

The two organisations collected the items at Pick n Pay on June 16 and 17. They will distribute them to the various NPOs that the foundation supports. These include child and youth care centres, Early Childhood Development centres, and organisations that look after feeding schemes and various care services.

Founding member and chairperson of the Humanity Foundation, Pierre Marneweck, described the drive as a success.

“We had a great turnout. We thank Towers PnP, Graphite Security and Woodlands International College and Ashton International College marimba bands, who entertained customers.”

The Humanity Foundation was grateful to those people in Boksburg who made contributions.

“We consider ourselves a network partner who supports specialist NPOs and tries our best to help those in need. Every item received will find its way to a cause and impact the lives of those who need support.

“We believe we must reach out and share love in and around our communities. The foundation is a registered NPC and focuses on building long-term partnerships with local businesses, schools, and community members to achieve our goals,” he added.

He said they would participate in the local CPF Women’s Day market because they supported empowering women and believed gender-based violence should cease.

Hundreds of stakeholders participated in Oosrand Secondary Schools march held in celebration of Youth Day.

CPF community event
On June 16, the Boksburg North CPF Sector Four hosted a well-supported community event at the Boksburg North Swimming Pool.

The Boksburg North CPF chairperson, Mark Gilpin, was pleased with the event and said they hosted about 300 children.

The children enjoyed face painting, netball, soccer and jumping castles. There were also cold drinks and sweets available.

Gilpin thanked Ithemba Skymark Security Services for sponsoring the jumping castles, cold drinks and sweets.

Oosrand Secondary awareness march
Oosrand Secondary School held a march on June 16 in the spirit of Youth Day and to promote the school becoming the Oosrand Commerce and Entrepreneurship School of Specialisation on July 27.

There were stalls and fun activities for the community to enjoy.

Also Read: Youth Month will be used to promote sustainable livelihoods and resilience of young people

Also Read: #YouthDay: Don’t miss out on these Youth Day celebrations in Boksburg


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