WATCH: Storytime gets tails wagging at Benoni SPCA

She recently qualified as a candidate attorney after completing her LLB degree.

Reading to cats and dogs might seem like an unusual thing one can do, but it can actually make a difference to our furry friends.

Lakefield resident Luvania Govender has recently proven that human beings are not the only ones who love being told a story.

The 24-year-old law graduate reads to animals at the Benoni SPCA and even occasionally sings to them, citing Whitney Houston songs as a favourite.

The Benoni City Times recently saw Luvania in action and witnessed how the SPCA animals respond positively when she reads to them.

Luvania, who matriculated at Benoni High in 2016, goes to the SPCA from Monday to Saturday.

She brings a fold-up chair and before reading a story greets the animals and then gives them a treat.

“At first they’re very excited but after a few minutes they sit and listen. It’s a wonderful experience. I would recommend it to everyone.”

Books she reads to the animals include The Little Prince, The Twits and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.

Luvania said at first she was scared of being around the animals after her traumatic experience of being bitten by a German shepherd and a Maltese when she was young.

She said she has always had a soft spot for animals, though her parents weren’t keen on her and her sibling owning a pet.

They did, however, help her to donate treats and blankets to Benoni SPCA.

“I think they wanted to save us from the pain of losing of a pet. However, I feel the love and affection you experience while your pet is alive outweighs the pain of losing them.”

For her, spending time at the SPCA was a good way to ease the pain of not owning her own pet.

Her first volunteer experience SPCA was while still in Tom Newby School and the society has since held a special place in her heart.

She recently qualified as a candidate attorney after completing her LLB degree last year at the University of Pretoria and decided to volunteer again as she has spare time while looking for employment.

It is her opinion that animals are misunderstood. “It’s easy to say they don’t have feelings or what’s the point of socialising with them because it doesn’t make a difference, but it does,” she said.

The aspiring environmental lawyer said she also has a passion for nature photography, art, baking and cooking.

Her desire is to one day adopt a husky and German shepherds. She appeals to the public to donate to or volunteer at the SPCA.

“Spend time with animals because they really appreciate it, more than we know or realise,” she said.

ALSO READ: Boksburg SPCA needs volunteers for their outreach


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