What’s On

The What’s On is for non-profit events only. Email your event details to boksburgadvertiser@caxton.co.za.

February 14 (every second Tuesday of the month)
Round Table Boksburg 17 meets, 18:00 at the clubhouse, 32 Lancaster Road. Cuan on 072 729 6406.

February 17
Liquor traders, CPF and all stakeholders are invited to a meeting at the Volle Evangelie Kerk in Paul Smit Road from 10:00 till 14:00. The liquor board will be in attendance. Contact Boksburg North SAPS liquor officer Sergeant Precious Thantsha on 071 150 0618.

February 20 (every Monday)
Inspan Volkspelelaer get together at Witfield Park Retirement Village, 19:00. Marita on 074 116 5497.

February 14
U3A meeting with actor Peter Terry performing his one-man play, At all Costs (about the battle at Deville Woods in 1916), produced by Janice Honeyman, 10:00, Wesley Hall, Northfield Methodist Church. Email cherylpaterson8@gmail.com.

February 21
The East Rand Bird Club will meet at the main hall of the Country Life Retirement Village in Brentwood Park at 19:00.
The presenters are Spike Taylor, Peter and Ineke Huggins and the topic is ‘In search of the African Pitta’. Contact Awie Coetzee on 0836777097.

March 11
AGM of members of the SAAF Association East Rand branch, MOTH Memorial Cottages, 4th Ave, 10:30 for 11:00, snacks and cash bar, nomination forms to be in by March 7. For forms, and to RSVP, contact Majorie (secretary) on 073 186 7761.

March 11 & 12
Cansa Relay for Life East Rand, Brakpan Rugby Club, Bosman Stadium, 18:00 to 06:00, R1 000 per team, day visitors R50. To register or for more information, call Corlita on 079 878 5031 or Bianca on 061 445 0771.

Also Read: #16DaysofActivism: Tell us what’s on your mind

Also Read: Send us your What’s On events and sports!


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