City of Ekurhuleni to remember Tambo

Tambo would have been 105 years old on Thursday.

The City of Ekurhuleni will on Thursday, October 27, host a wreath-laying ceremony to commemorate the life and legacy of OR Tambo, an icon of the country’s struggle against oppression.

The event will be held at Tambo Memorial Site, Tamboville Cemetery, in Wattville.
Oliver Reginald Tambo was born on October 27, 1917, in Bizana in the Eastern Cape. However, before jetting to exile in the 1960s, he had become a resident of Wattville, Benoni – a place at which he settled upon his return to the country in December 1990.

Tambo was conferred the Freedom of the City in 2004 – an honour that was also bestowed to two other struggle icons – Dr Adelaide (Tambo’s wife) and Thembisile Chris Hani.
Tambo would have been 105 years old on Thursday. He passed on 29 years ago after suffering a stroke at the age of 75.

Also Read: OR Tambo Month activites to look forward to


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