Cupcakes of Hope is back – with a R10m target!

The funds raised help hundreds of young cancer patients and their families.

Do you enjoy baking and helping those in need? If so, Cupcakes of Hope needs you!

This NPO that supports children with cancer across the country is celebrating its 10th birthday this year by calling all South Africans to bake in honour of lost loved ones and cancer survivors this National Cupcake Day, October 1.

Knowing that so many people have either stood by friends and family in their struggle against cancer or devastatingly, lost loved ones, the Cupcakes of Hope organisation aims to bring volunteers across the country together, to raise funds to reach their target of R10m.

“My mom is no longer here. I would like to encourage each person fighting this battle that you are not alone,” said Cupcake Angel Lucretia Peterson who lost her mom to cancer and will be baking on the day.
“We are all rooting for you to come out stronger on the other side,” she added.

While childhood cancer is an extremely challenging journey, Cupcakes of Hope offers a light-hearted, fun and rewarding way to stand in solidarity with cancer survivors, help those who are currently undergoing treatment and give back to the cause.

Volunteers, fondly known as Cupcakes Angels, are those who generously offer their time to bake or those who support the fundraising campaign. Any recipe can be used as long as it includes the secret ingredient of love.

Hosting a cupcake fundraiser is an easy way to bring family, friends and colleagues together and honour a loved one or a survivor. From office fundraisers to community cake sales to simply rallying friends and family together to bake – every act of kindness contributes to gaining your angel wings.

Also Read: Local cancer survivor shares her heartbreaking journey

The funds raised include covering their medical bills and other essential needs, from nappies to nutrition and everything in between.

Since 2021, the number of patients supported by this organisation has doubled, last month more than 240 children received assistance, with the youngest being only five months old.

“Cupcakes of Hope is not just a platform where we help children with cancer. Volunteering to honour our friends and loved ones who have been affected by cancer, brings joy, healing and purpose to so many of us,” says Sandy Cipriano, founder of Cupcakes of Hope.

“It is also a way to pay it forward and make new friends, who become family,” she added.

On National Cupcake Day cupcake sales will be hosted at 58 malls across the country on October 1.

Dozens of Cupcake Angels have already signed up but there is a great need for more.

You can get involved by either baking and donating cupcakes or by visiting one of the participating venues and for a small donation, will receive a delicious cupcake made with love.

East Rand Mall coordinator Dawn Tiplady encouraged community members to support the initiative.
“We can’t do it without the support of the community and local businesses,” said Tiplady.

To sign up as a Cupcake Angel, email, or for more details on the work done by the organisation, go to Cupcake of Hope’s Facebook and Instagram pages.

Also Read: Why under 35’s need to be aware of colorectal cancer


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