
Hyacinth removed from Witfield Dam

The hyacinth will be removed from the dam's bank as well.

The City of Ekurhuleni’s (CoE’s) Environmental Resource and Waste Management Department has removed the hyacinth that covered Witfield Dam for more than three years.

The removal work commenced in July and was completed in September.

The hyacinth has been removed from Witfield Dam.

Ward 33 councillor Ashley Hoods commended the metro for their efforts.

“The department worked very hard in the past three months to remove the hyacinth. Just this morning (October 11) I spoke to a contractor involved in the hyacinth removal and he said the dam is now completely hyacinth free.

“Indeed, they have done it,” said Hoods, adding the hyacinth still needs to be removed from the banks of the dam.

Wet hyacinth on the dam’s bank.

“The stakeholders who worked together to remove the hyacinth are waiting for it to dry out so that it can be transported.

“There are laws governing the transportation of hyacinth. It cannot be transported wet.

“They have also informed me that there are companies interested in using hyacinth as biomaterial to produce other things,” he explained.

Hoods is happy to see bird and wildlife returning to the area.

“Ducks are swimming on the dam. It will be great to see the banks cleared too and our residents once again being able to enjoy this recreational facility, especially now that we are heading towards the festive season.”

Ward 33 councillor Ashley Hoods pointing at the waste in the stormwater stream.

Hoods added that the department has promised it will maintain the dam and keep it hyacinth free. Overgrown grass and litter at the dam remains a problem and according to Hoods this is because the metro doesn’t have the adequate budget to perform its duties.

Waste thrown in the stormwater stream.

“Until their finances are healthy, this will continue to be a problem,” he explained.

He warned against the dumping of waste into the stormwater system channeling water into the dam.

“By throwing waste in the stream they are blocking rainwater from going into the dam, and this is likely to cause flooding,” said Hoods.

Boksburg Advertiser is awaiting a response from the metro.

Also Read: Witfield dam in dire state

Also Read: Project to rehabilitate Witfield Dam


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