Cable thieves deal another blow to sport in Reiger Park

The soccer teams that are using the sport facility want to know when will the metro resolve the issues at the stadium.

Sporting activities at WJ Clement Stadium, in Reiger Park, have suffered another blow with the theft of more cables at the facility on April 17.

Ward 34 Clr Edith Klassen said the stadium’s infrastructure has long suffered at the hands of thieves.

The electrical box left open by cable thieves at the stadium.

“Thieves have been destroying the stadium’s infrastructure for the last decade,” she said.

“The latest incident comes at a crucial time when businesses in Reiger Park have committed to repairing and improving the stadium.

“During Easter, a good tournament was organised by soccer teams in Reiger Park. A lot of businesses invested in repairing the power cables for the tournament to take place. They are now shattered by what has happened,” said Klassen.

She reiterated that criminals destroying the sporting facility are affecting the community.

“The cable thieves must be stopped. WJ Clement Stadium was one of the best in Ekurhuleni before the vandalism and cable theft started,” she said.

The closed trench where the cable was dug out.

Sheldon Litchfield, the chairperson of the Boksburg and Central Football Association, said the stadium has been without functioning lights for more than 10 years.

“We have informed the metro but officials have only made empty promises. It is important they tell us what their plan is for the stadium since so many bad things have befallen it,” Litchfield said.

The Boksburg Advertiser has sent an enquiry to the metro and is awaiting a response.

Also Read: Case continues against officers accused of stealing cables

Also Read:Woman tries to bribe her cable thief boyfriend out of jail


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