Tanker explosion: Eight Tambo Memorial staff succumb to their injuries

The Minister of Health visited the hospital yesterday (December 25).

Tambo Memorial staff will hold a prayer service today in honour of eight of their colleagues who succumbed to the injuries they sustained as a result of the gas tanker explosion in Plantation, very close to the hospital, on December 24.

According to hospital CEO Zenzo Ndabula, these staff members were in a parking area on the premises at the time of the explosion and sustained severe burn wounds.

The parking area at the hospital in which the staff were when the tanker exploded.

“Our staff who are deceased as a result of their injuries include a driver, four enrolled nurses and three professional nurses,” he said. “We extend our deepest condolences and sympathies to these colleagues’ families,”


Tambo Memorial CEO Zenzo Ndabula is holding a prayer service for staff today.
Health Minister Dr Joe Phaahla (left) and Tambo Memorial CEO Zenzo Ndabula during the walk-through to assess damage and patients yesterday.

The hospital also suffered severe structural damage to some areas in the blast.

Minister of Health Dr Joe Phaahla and Gauteng MEC for Health and Wellness Nomantu Nkomo-Ralehoko visited the hospital yesterday (December 25) to assess the patient intake and injuries, as well as the damage.

According to the CEO, 37 people, including 24 patients and 13 staff members, who were in the hospital’s Accident and Emergency department at the time of the explosion sustained severe burns and have been diverted to neighbouring hospitals.

ALSO READ: WATCH: Eight confirmed dead in horror gas tanker explosion in Plantation

These are the facts divulged after the Minister of Health’s visit to Tambo Memorial yesterday (Christmas Day):

Structural damage to the hospital

What services are still being provided at the hospital?

Dr Phaahla said at the walk-through yesterday that government extends it sincere condolences to the families of the deceased and that their thoughts are with those recovering in hospitals.

Tambo CEO Ndabula said this is indeed a tragedy for their hospital colleagues’ families and for the many patients they have attended to, and he committed to sharing further information as it becomes available.

ALSO READ: Gas tanker tragedy: Driver in court on Wednesday


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