Metro concerned about attacks on power technicians

The metro says its energy crews are coming under attack when attending to power outages.

The City of Ekurhuleni strongly condemns the emerging behaviour of violent attacks on its energy department technicians – hampering effective service delivery, especially when attending to power outages.

According to metro spokesperson Zweli Dlamini, technicians are frequently held hostage at substations, robbed of their work gear and personal belongings and brutally beaten by members of the community – while responding to the power supply interruptions resulting from Eskom’s load shedding or power outages.

“The city cautions perpetrators of these despicable acts and the affected communities that violence on technicians will lead to delays in restoration of power supply,” said Dlamini.
He added that the city is now compelled to divert the services of the EMPD and security contractors from their normal by-law enforcement and infrastructure protection to guard city technicians.

Also Read: Growing attack on energy infrastructure demands tough stance


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