Letter: Be grateful they are not running the show

The writer says the partners in the new metro coalition are invariably “blockers”.

Howard Skeens, Sunward Park, writes:

The DA led coalition should be congratulated for using outside contractors to fix the myriad potholes “littered” all over the East Rand.

The partners in the coalition are invariably “blockers”.

Action on fixing the potholes and other serious defects would have been tackled months ago if the DA had a majority (such as in Cape Town and Midvaal).

The metro’s pothole repair teams bluntly put, were useless.

Throwing tar into a pothole does not fix the underlying problem. Within a few days the pothole reappeared or a bumpy road was the result. Good old cadre deployment.

What can be learned from this? Involving private enterprise results in efficiency and cost savings.

The previous “regime” did nothing in 20 plus years (look around and see the degradation), many millions of our money wasted/mysteriously disappeared and the auditor general managed to give Ekurhuleni clean audits!


Before complaining about slow action think on what would be happening if the ANC was still in control of the metro, the latter has rather taken action.

We need to ensure the ANC are never given back the reins.

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