Letter: This war is welcome

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DA Party Whip for Infrastructure in Ekurhuleni Clr Tebogo Masenya writes:

The DA in Ekurhuleni welcomes the action plan, dubbed the ‘war on potholes’, by the city’s multi-party coalition governing to address the city’s growing pothole problem.

Ekurhuleni, in the past, has coined the unfortunate nickname ‘pothole city’ due to the neglect of routine road maintenance under the previous administration.

Such neglect, along with increasingly adverse weather conditions, has led to a proliferation of potholes across the city with no community spared.

The DA is ecstatic over the announcement by mayor Tania Campbell that the city will be dramatically ramping up pothole repairs and road maintenance throughout our communities, through the ‘war on potholes’ campaign.

As part of the multi-party coalition ‘back to basics’ service delivery programme, the city has allocated more budget to the repair of potholes through the passing of the adjustment budget, with even more to be allocated when the budget for the 2022/23 financial year kicks in on the July 1.

Overall a welcome R285m has been sourced for road repairs and rehabilitation.

The DA looks forward to the rollout of this exciting campaign across the metro, which promises to improve our deteriorating roads and improve commuter safety.

ALSO READ: Jack of all trades, master of potholes

ALSO READ: WATCH: Potholes epidemic on City’s roads frustrates drivers


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