Suspect arrested in Free State for murder of Reiger Park detective

He was charged with robbery and two counts of murder.

Police have arrested a man in connection with the murder of Reiger Park police officer Det Sgt Maxwell Siweya.

According to Reiger Park SAPS spokesperson Const Zanele Motaung, the suspect was nabbed at about 07:00 on March 31 on the N1 highway in the Free State.

“Two highway patrol officers, Sgt Sereme Malebo and Const Simon Nteba, who were conducting their usual stop-and-search duty on the highway, received a tip-off that the suspect was in a Quantam taxi travelling from Johannesburg to Bloemfontein.

“The officers initiated an investigation and later found the taxi on the side of the highway with one of its tyres deflated.

“They quickly called for back-up from the Kroonstad and Welkom TRT police members and, with the backup team, approached the vehicle.

“They searched the taxi and found the suspect, who was then arrested and brought back to Reiger Park Police Station,” said Motaung.

The suspect appeared in the Boksburg Magistrate’s Court on April 4, and the matter was postponed to April 11 to allow the suspect to get legal representation.

Siweya was killed at Joe Slovo hostel in Boksburg on March 26.
He died on the scene after he was allegedly shot by two suspects he was tracking as part of an investigation into a shoot-out the previous week.

His cousin was with him at the time of the attack and it is believed the suspects were aware of the detective’s presence in the area.They took his service pistol, cellphone and his cousin’s belongings before fleeing the scene.

Also Read: Reiger Park detective shot dead in Joe Slovo

Also Read: Several arrests in Reiger Park


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