At long last metro gets down to repainting lines on its roads

It, however, remains to be seen whether the roads paintwork will be rolled out to other major routes where the lines have disappeared or faded.

The City’s roads department seems to have finally realised the importance of road markings for traffic safety, as its workers were this week spotted painting some of its roads.

This comes after motorists complained they have been finding it very difficult to navigate their roadway because the painted lines on a number of the City’s roads were disappearing, and in other areas the lines have disappeared completely.

The exercise started on Madeley Road, where workers were on Tuesday morning spotted painting new markings, including white lines, on the stretch of the road between Pretoria and Rietfontein roads. The intersection of Pretoria and Madeley roads also had its faded road markings repainted.

Following years of waiting and a record number of complaints, Madeley Road now boasts freshly painted markings.

It’s, however, still unclear whether the roads paintwork will be rolled out to other major routes where the lines have disappeared or faded. The metro has not yet responded to our request for comment on the road marking issue. However, a well-placed source told this publication the department is struggling to repaint the lines on its roads because its budget has been slashed.

The Advertiser recently ran a story about the state of the City’s roads, after a record number of complaints about the faded lines and cracked roads across the City.

The identified roads with the poorest road markings in Boksburg include the section of Main Reef Road between Dunswart and Knights, Field Road between Pretoria and Main Reef roads. In some areas, the road markings, including the centre line, are either barely visible or so faded they have become almost non-existent.

In a worst-case scenario, some of the sections of the roads next to schools either have faded calming measures or there are no markings at all.

Also Read: How to drive safely on our (poorly maintained) roads


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