Watch: Lucky Six is our first Hero of the Month!

Lucky Six said he isn't doing what his doing in order to gain points but does everything from the goodness of his heart.

#RealHeroesLiveInBoksburg #HeroHunterNtombi #WestPackHero #CaxtonCares #WhoIsYourHeroe 

Lucky Six, of Delmore Gardens, has been named the first Advertiser/West Pack Lifestyle Hero of the Month, winning himself a R1 000 West Pack voucher for his good deeds.

Six received two nominations from community members, with motivations about the work he does in the community. 

The first words Six uttered when he learned that he has been chosen as the community hero was “I’m very humbled”.

The Advertiser had a chat with the father of six to find out why he is so invested in the upliftment of the community.

ALSO READ: #RealHeroesLiveInBoksburg: Nominate your hero to win a R1 000 West Pack voucher

The 61-year-old, who has been a resident of Delmore Gardens for 31 years, said he has always had a passion for people. His father died when he was six months and when he was in standard nine he had to drop out of school in order to take care of his family.

He works with an NPO called Flock of God and is also part of a programming committee at Kasie FM.

“From an early age I’ve always had the heart to take care of people, but 15 years ago I started taking my ‘gift’ serious. Seeing how people were struggling to survive or put food on the table for their families, I decided to look for sponsors who will donate food.

“Luckily, God heard my prayers, as companies and organisations started reaching out and we could distribute food hampers to the needy people,” he said.

The community champion who strives mightily and selflessly to meet people’s needs before his own said he uses his resources to put smiles on the needy’s faces.

In October when Six took his sister-in-law to Tambo Memorial Hospital around 11pm, he said he noticed a sickly elderly woman sitting on a chair but thought she had been admitted or was waiting for her family.

To his surprise, the following day he noticed the woman sitting on the very same chair when he returned to the hospital around 2pm.

“I went to the woman and asked her if she was okay, but she couldn’t communicate clearly. I asked the nurses why she wasn’t admitted and they told me they had no extra beds, but eventually she was admitted.

“When she was released from hospital, I used the picture I took and went to look for her in Jerusalem informal settlement to find out if she was okay.”

Six said it took him two hours to find her. Due to her living conditions, he approached the police and social workers to assist placing her in an old age home.

“While in the process of taking her to her new home, she became sick and was taken back to hospital, where she unfortunately died. I was happy that I tracked down her family who were also searching for her for seven years.”

On the morning of March 5 while coming home from a night shift, Six said he was among the first people to arrive at the scene where a Grade Six learner at Goedehoop Primary School was killed after being hit by a taxi on Elsburg Road while on her way to school.

“I felt I had to do something because it wasn’t the first accident to happen there. I engaged with the councilors and traffic officers about how we can curb accidents on that road and they said the only way was through the erection of speed humps.

“I then took it upon myself to fetch forms for a petition at the municipality so that residents can sign. We are still waiting for feedback regarding that,” he said.

On December 31, he also helped a nurse who was stabbed by a trolley pusher after demanding her phone. He took her to hospital and the police station.

With no fancy qualification behind his name, this giver said he isn’t making a difference in the community in order to gain points or expect something in return. He does everything from the goodness of his heart.

“I now have many children who are not mine biologically but through my actions they have recognised me as their father for what I have done in their lives.”


Don’t disappoint our hero hunter, Ntombikayise Sibeko. Nominate unsung heroes who are doing phenomenal work in your community and you could put them in line to win an R1 000 West Pack Lifestyle voucher to spend as they wish. Email

To nominate someone for the Advertiser/West Pack Hero of the Month Award, send our Hero Hunter, Ntombi Sibeko, their full name, where they live in Boksburg and a 200-word max motivation to 

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