Metro to build temporary shelters for Cinderella Hostel residents

The metro's plan to build shacks for the affected families in Reiger Park recently met with strong objections by community members.

Formal talks on using a vacant piece of land to build temporary shelters (shacks) for Cinderella Hostel dwellers are still ongoing.
The metro proposed to use the council-owned piece of land near Reiger Park Secondary School to build a squatter camp for the hostel dwellers, as Cinderella Hostel is set to be demolished to make way for the Leeuwpoort housing development in Parkdene.

The plan was, however, met with strong objections by community members who were sceptical about the City’s intent, and told MMC for human settlements Clr Lesiba Mpya they would not allow council to build shacks on the land nor the families to take up residence.

Despite that, the metro seems to be adamant that its plan may be accepted and told the Advertiser the outcome of the ongoing saga is still subject to negotiations between the government and the affected community.

Metro’s response to our questions:
Following the objection by the community, are there other significant moves planned to get the hostel residents other accommodation? The consultation process is continuing.

How many families or individuals are affected by the relocation? The last occupancy audit conducted resulted in the identification of 263 families. However, the audit process is being updated, which might result in a different number.
Apparently, no consultation meetings were held with the IAP beforehand, is that true? If yes, why was the community not consulted beforehand? No, the consultation is a process and is continuing.

According to local leaders, there is a section of the hostel that will remain. Which section is that and why? It is the section that was used as a clinic as per the heritage report.

Also Read: Cinderella Hostel residents march against housing threat


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