
Council finally gives Boet Human Park grass a cut

Residents who are passionate about the area's green spaces, often organise clean-ups to tidy up the park

The Wessels, a Beyerspark family, said they have been begging the metro to cut the badly overgrown grass in the park since early November, but their complaint to the council about the dishevelled state of the park was ignored for weeks.
The family is, however, delighted to see that a council grounds staff member has been sent out to finally start cutting the grass since November 26.
Following the family’s complaint, the Advertiser visited Boet Human Park on November 25 and found the park grass and roadside verges being badly overgrown. The metro was approached for comment on the lack of grass cutting in the area, but no response has been received yet.
Speaking to the Advertiser on Tuesday, one of the concerned family members, Colette Wessels, who resides opposite the park, said her family and fellow residents are now relieved that the grass is finally been mowed in the area.

This park has for weeks been in need of maintenance.

A man on a tractor was seen mowing the grass on Thursday last week, and Monday and Tuesday this week.
The Wessels family added that as residents who are passionate about the area’s green spaces, they often organise clean-ups to tidy up the park, and they expect the municipality to do its part as well – to send the lawnmowers in more often.

This park has for weeks been in need of maintenance. The crack on the street along the area is also causing concern.

Also Read: Grass-cutting backlog blamed on lockdown


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