Jandré is cancer-free

Jandré is cancer-free a year after receiving a bone marrow transplant

Angélique and Pierre van Coller from Boksburg are grateful their son, Jandré, is still healthy after receiving a bone marrow transplant a year ago.

“It’s a blessing and we couldn’t be happier,” said Angélique.

The four-year-old was diagnosed with early precursor acute lymphoblastic leukemia in May 2019.

Doctors in London strongly suggested he should be treated with two types of chemo, peg laspar and nelerabrine, which have only recently been approved in the United States of America.

The treatment worked and Jandré was in remission after a few months. The brave boy then had to undergo a bone marrow transplant on October 30, 2019, to ensure his health stays in a good condition.

Even though the brave boy’s transplant was a success, his parents were concerned about his health in September.

“Jandré went for a routine bone marrow biopsy and one of his test results came back as a MRD (minimal residual disease) +0.01 (one cancer cell per 100 000 bone marrow cells), while it’s supposed to be negative.

The news came as a shock to us and we were devastated. Luckily, it was false positive, he is still cancer-free,” she said.

“However, doctors were proactive and Jandré received two sessions of Fludarabine chemo. This will prime his bone marrow for another DLI (donor leukocyte infusion).

His chimerism (donor DNA) is still only on 90 per cent and this is not the ideal as that 10 per cent of the bone marrow DNA that is still his own could cause the disease to return.
“He will also be closely monitored. His immune system is still very weak,” the mother explained.

Nevertheless, Angélique is positive about Jandré’s future.

“Jandré is ready and excited to go to school next year. He is a very strong boy,” she said.

The public can also his follow his Facebook page, Jandré Brave.

Also Read: Parents need urgent support to help Jandré fight leukemia

Also Read: Young Jandré set to get bone marrow transplant


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