Boksburg Grade 12s feel confident they will do well in their final exams

They are fighting tooth and nail to salvage their 2020 academic year

Despite having lost out on much school time, Grades 12 learners in Boksburg told the Advertiser that they are ready to tackle the upcoming final exams.

Interviewed learners added they are working hard to try and catch up with the time and classes lost during the prolonged lockdown.


With their accounting teacher Sibisi, these learners at Reiger Park Secondary say they are going the extra mile to ensure their future is not spoiled by the time lost due to lockdown. One of the Grade 12s, Buthlari Maswanganyi, reminded all learners saving this academic year is in the best interest of learners.

Buthlari Maswanganyi: Obviously, a lot of time has been lost, but we want a better future for ourselves. It’s our responsibility as learners to go the extra mile and work extra hours to save our future. I’ve even designed my own study timetable, and it’s effective. After all, it’s our future that is at stake. We are not doing it for our teachers or parents, but for ourselves. What we will achieve in the upcoming exams will determine whether or not we are going to study further at universities.

Deyolin Williams: The time left is like nothing. We are already busy with the prelims, and soon after we will be writing the finals. I think the best thing we can do is study very hard, both at school and at home, to catch up. Our teachers are very helpful, which has instilled more confidence in us.

Accilia Masiye: To be honest, there is a lot of pressure and there is not enough time left. We are busy with the prelims and the final exams are just around the corner. There is no time to rest or recuperate from all the Covid-19 challenges. But with the study programmes they have here at school, our own study group sessions and making extra time to study at home. I think I’m ready for some of the subjects.

Alrinan Makgatha: I feel like even though the time was not enough I’m ready for the prelims and finals. Teachers have tried their level best to ensure we are fully equipped. It’s also up to us to enhance our prospect of success by studying hard, even after school hours. The previous question papers also helped me to have an idea of what kind of questions to expect. I’m ready.


Dane Daschner, Monique Combrink and Brandon Kroon from Hoërskool Dr EG Jansen said they are ready for the prelim exams.

Dané Daschner: I’m feeling quite positive about the preliminary exam. I’m coping and I think I did well in the papers that we already wrote. The pandemic didn’t have a dire impact on us because we worked from home during the lockdown. We had enough time to prepare for the exams and the teachers went out of their way to assist us by doing revision work with us.

Monique Combrink: I’m feeling optimistic about the preliminary exam, but wearing a mask while writing is uncomfortable for me. I’m just grateful that we had enough time to prepare for the exams. During the lockdown we had groups on WhatsApp that allowed us to do our work from home. Hence, the pandemic didn’t have a big impact on us. Our teachers also did extra revision work with us to help us prepare for the exams and I believe that we’re going to do well.

Brandon Kroon: I’m confident that I’m going to do well in the preliminary exams. We had more than enough time to prepare for the exams. We actually had an extra week to do revision work. The pandemic didn’t have that big of an impact on us as we were able to study and work from home during the hard lockdown.


From left: Luthando Mathibako, Neo Thomo, Tyrone Lindsay and Angelos Arsalides.

Luthando Mathibako: It was difficult to adjust from their normal school routine to having to stay at home and do online learning. It was hard to not be able to see your friends and having the sports season cancelled. With all the hard work that I’ve put in I feel I am ready for the final exams.

Neo Thomo: This year was hard for me because we had to stay at home for almost six months but the school helped us with online classes. I’m ready for the final examinations, although I still feel the pressure.

Angelos Arsalides: The year was a bit strange for me, not necessarily because I was forced out of my comfort zone but because I was taught to adapt to a new lifestyle. For the past 11 years we were taught that we go to school, do sports and other activities, but I think this year it was pretty much of a reverse. We had to do all the work but no fun. I’m definitely ready for the finals.

Tyrone Lindsay: It was hard to cope with the work load but I’m glad I managed to cope. I think I did well in my preliminary exams and I feel I will do better in my final exams.


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