Metro responds to concerns over state of CBD

The metro identified certain street corners in the CBD as illegal dumping hotspots

The Ekurhuleni metro has responded to Ward 32 councillor Marius de Vos’ concerns over the state of the Boksburg CBD.

De Vos said the continued practice of illegal dumping remains an issue in the CBD, adding that he receives numerous complaints from community members who are concerned about waste piling up in areas such as Commissioner, Market and Leeuwpoort streets.

Nhlanhla Cebekhulu, the City’s divisional head of communication and media relations, admitted there are various vacant lots throughout the Boksburg CBD that are targeted by vagrants, informal recyclers, businesses and residents in the area, to dump excess refuse or rubble illegally.

“Certain street corners have also been identified as dumping hot spots and identifying the polluters proved to be extremely challenging as dumping takes place after hours. The CBD is cleaned six days per week and litter and illegal dumping by CBD dwellers is removed on a daily basis,” Cebekhulu said.

The responsibility of waste management is to render litter picking and street sweeping services on pavements and the kerbside.

“The Department of Real Estate is responsible for the maintenance of council-owned properties and should become actively involved in addressing this challenge,” he added.

He highlighted the cleanliness of the City is not the sole responsibility of council, but every resident and businesses have a civic responsibility towards the cleanliness of the environment we live in.


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