Metro taken to task over state of Bokkie Park and its animals

A resident said he was approached by a man in the park who asked if he was "the one selling animals"

Following several complaints from residents about the state of the Bokkie Park and the welfare of the animals, the Boksburg SPCA will next week give the Ekurhuleni Metro Parks Department a deadline to rectify issues.

Concerns raised include alleged animal theft, lack of security and the general wellbeing of the animals.

The metro’s deadlines to get its house in order at the Bokkie Park will be determined on Monday after a vet has inspected the animals.

The society spent three hours at the park yesterday morning (July10) inspecting the animals, said manager Vicky Finnemore, and afterwards met with management of the Ekurhuleni Parks Department.

Last night they issued a media statement on Facebook saying they are aware of and dealing with the various animal welfare concerns raised at the Bokkie Park, as well as the many photos of “starving” animals circulating on social media.

A community member posted a photo of the “starving” animals at the park on Facebook and wrote:” I’m truly horrified to see what has become of these animals that offered us so much joy”.

The media statement read:

“After a thorough inspection our inspectorate met with management from Parks Department this morning and went through each and every welfare concern at the Bokkie Park. The department will be given a time frame in which to rectify the problems, after which a follow-up inspection will be done by Boksburg SPCA.

“We have arranged to meet with a veterinarian on Monday to address all health related concerns regarding the animals at the Bokkie Park.

“Please be assured our inspectorate is pushing for the improvement of the Bokkie Park facilities, as well as the animal husbandry.”

The SPCA expressed gratitude towards the community for their compassion and for reporting their concerns to the society.


Members of Pet Forum, a group on social media for animal lovers, are concerned about the possible animal theft, lack of security and the general well-being of animals at the Bokkie Park.

“While I was at the park a few weeks ago, an unknown man asked me if I’m the one selling animals,” said one of the members of the forum, who asked not to be identified. Apparently, I was not the only one who was asked about buying animals. This is why I have a strong suspicion that somebody is stealing the animals to sell them.

“My suspicions grew stronger when I saw a man with a sharpened piece of metal at the fence of the park. He immediately threw it onto the ground and ran away when he saw me.

“My son picked it up from the ground.

“There weren’t any bloodstains on it; however, we believe people are using it to injure the animals to make it easier for them to come in and steal them.

“I regularly come to the park to feed animals and I’ve seen numerous wounded animals. There’s definitely something going on and I feel so sorry for the animal,” the source added.


Successful sixth edition of car boot sale held at the Bokkie Park

Michelle Strydom, another resident who is worried about the well-being of the animals, explained the matter was reported to the metro and Boksburg SPCA.

“I’m extremely concerned about the animal theft and the welfare of the animals. A few residents reported that the animals in the park have lately been noisy during the night.

“Some say it’s normal, but I’m not convinced that it’s the case here. I know Food Lovers Market Sunward Park is donating food on a regular basis, but it doesn’t always seem as though the animals have enough to eat.

“We consulted the Boksburg SPCA on numerous occasions. We know they do regular inspections and they’re doing everything in their power to protect the animals.

“There’s also apparently a vet looking after them when they’re sick,” Strydom said.


Dale de Oliviera, who lives opposite the Bokkie Park, said security at the park is a concern, adding there are holes in the fence.

“We would like to know how the metro is monitoring the amount of animals at the park. Do they know what happened to the animals that are missing. We know they weren’t able to conduct an auction to keep a record of it that way. There is definitely not adequate security at the Bokkie Park, and something should be done about this.”

She emphasised her husband grew up on a farm and explained the animals would have eaten normal grass if they were in their natural habitat.

“With the lockdown, the animals enjoyed freedom and had more grass to eat. Hence, I don’t believe the animals are starving,” she pointed out.

The members are requesting the metro to improve the security at the park. They further suggested the park should charge the public a small fee to enter and that the community needs to stand together for the sake of the animals.

“It will help if somebody could donate a double fence or if security companies could donate a fence,” de Oliveira said.

The Advertiser is still awaiting comment from the metro.


Animals at Bokkie Park to be auctioned



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