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Local model in the running for Mr United Nations SA title

The Advertiser caught up with the model to find out more about the competition and his work as a model

Luvo Sandile from Boksburg has been announced as a Mr United Nations South Africa finalist.

Q: Can you tell us more about the Mr United Nations SA pageant competition?

A: I am a Mr United Nations finalist. The competition is all about giving the youth of South Africa a platform to showcase their talent and leadership qualities. The pageant was supposed to take place in August but will now be held later this year. The exact date is yet to be confirmed.

Q: Take us through the journey which led you to become a finalist?

A: I entered the competition at the beginning of the year where I was selected as one of the provincial finalists. This came after we were given tasks to do to become finalists, such as creating a Facebook page that we use to talk about educational topics with positive messages. We were also required to do a short video of ourselves doing walks and explaining why we should be selected as a finalist. I was fortunate to do all those takes well and I was selected as finalist.

Q: How did you feel when you got the news that you are now a finalist?

A: I was so excited about the news. That is when I realises that I have a great chance of winning the competition and represent my country in an international competition. I would be so happy if I could win the competition because I would get a big platform to showcase my leadership skills and be the voice of the youth in my community.


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Q: You want to inspire the youth with your modelling. Why are the youth so close to your heart?

A: I want to inspire the youth because I believe they are the future leaders of this beautiful country who can change the challenges we are experiencing now.

Q: What does youth month mean to you?

A: To me, youth month means that the power behind our voices cannot be underestimated. People must stand together for change. We’re also celebrating those who fought for our future.

Q: How did the Covid-19 pandemic affect your modelling career?

A: The Covid-19 pandemic affected my modelling career as I couldn’t attend competitions that I was ready for and I’m disappointed about that.

Q: How did you keep fit and practise your modelling during the lockdown?

A: I am working so hard during this time practising new poses and walks. I’m also more on the internet learning about how to do onstage interviews. I’m very ready and eager to compete now.

Q: What was the biggest lesson you learned during the pandemic?

A: The biggest lesson I have learnt during this lockdown is that it’s important to invest money and to take time alone to find your true self and work on your weaknesses.

Q: Last year you were invited to participate in the IMTA competition in New York. Will you still be able to compete in the competition?

A: It has been cancelled for now, but hopefully I’ll get a chance to compete in the future.

Q: You do runway and photographic modelling. Which is your favourite?

A: It’s a hard question. I love doing both but I feel much comfortable and relaxed in front of the camera. So I choose photographic.

Q: If you could work with any model or photographer, who would it be?

A: I would love to work with Dave Kabamba. He’s one of my favourite models and he is doing great work in the modelling industry. I would also like to work with the photographer, David Bailey, from the United States. He is one of the best fashion photographers.

Q: Can you still remember your first photoshoot or pageant?

A: My first pageant was fun. I really enjoyed every moment of it even though I didn’t win. It was a great experience, learning curve and I gained a lot of confidence.

Q: Do you have any advice for aspiring models?

A: My advice to aspiring young models is that they must take their craft seriously and work on their brand. Your brand must be clean and influential as no brand wants to work with models with bad references. Being on social media platforms is very important.

Q: Is there anything else you would like to add that you feel is important?

A: I recently worked on a project where I was assisted by volunteers Kangelani Majali(Jay Jay) and Siyathemba Futyani to distribute sanitary pads to over 30 women in Joe Slovo, Boksburg. I would like to thank them for their assistance and hopefully more people will help in the future. I’m also required to raise funds for charity as a Mr United Nations finalist.

Anyone who can assist may call me on 065 503 2432 or 068 558 7566.

To vote for Luvo, SMS unp acl to 40439.

Follow him on Facebook (Luvo Sandile MR United nations S.A Finalist).


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